Sunday, January 3, 2010

Freeze Your Peppers!

   Somebody told me to freeze my peppers. "Just freeze 'em. Slice 'em up and freeze 'em." Everything else I've frozen has had to have the enzymes cooked to a halt through blanching first.

   Here's what I did: I took my bountiful harvest of red bell peppers and ate as much as I wanted for a couple of weeks. Then, I set aside several for my winter time-travel project back to the heart of summer. I sliced them long for burritos and fajitas. I diced them in bits for pizza. I dumped them right into the quart-sized freezer bag and tried to forget about them in the freezer. About a week ago I pulled out a bag and dumped them right into a very hot frying pan and roasted them. They were fantastic. They are not the same as the barely-cooked and crispy fresh red peppers of summer, but they are worth preserving this way. I've also sprinkled the frozen peppers on top of a pizza and they were great that way too.

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